Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Week in Pictures.

What's that you say? You haven't seen new pictures of Windsor all week?

Well, don't cry about it! Here are six new ones!

Someone keeps escaping from his nice clean play mat and ending up on the hardwood floor. And he's proud about it!

Cute, yet slightly sullen baby after his bath last night:

Here's the scene this morning. No charge for the comically open dog mouth.

And finally, here is photographic evidence of Windsor's interesting crawling style. I think this is classified as creeping:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least he's creeping/scooting in the right direction. Catie scooted backwards for over a month before she figured out how to switch gears out of reverse.

I love the pic of Win & Lulu. And the first one, because he looks like he's giving the camera an expression of fake shock.