Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pediatrician Report: Month Two.

At Windsor's 2-month checkup yesterday, the doctor confirmed what we knew was true: this baby is massive.

He weighs 15 pounds, 2 oz....which puts him in the 96th percentile.

He is 25 1/4 inches tall....which puts him in the 97th percentile.

His head is 42.3 cm around....which puts him in the 92nd percentile.

(What I really need are some collectable, baby baseball cards with a picture of Windsor on the front and all his stats on the back. But I guess this blog will have to do.)

So! Big baby! At least he is proportional. It would be weird if he had a little scrawny head sitting on top of his big long body.

Other than the measurements, Win has met all his developmental milestones and then showed off for the doctor by smiling and delivering a monologue about how the doctor should consider reducing his carbon imprint.

He also had to get his first round of shots, which he was not impressed with, but a really good thing about having super chunky thighs is that there's a lot of meat for those mean needles to sink into. So far he hasn't had any bad reactions, not even a slight fever, and his appetite was huge all day. He even slept for 5 hours straight! This means we all slept for 5 hours straight. Bless this child.


Danielle said...

Go, Windsor! Five hours sounds like a little slice of heaven.

Anonymous said...

There is something about vaccines that makes babies conk out for really long periods afterward. Seriously, that's the best thing about them.

Glad to hear he's proportionally huge. :-) Cate was up there with him in the 95-ish percentiles for a long time, but now her growth has slowed down and she's in the 75-90% range for height and weight. (Her head size, however, is still off the charts. Poor kid is like an upside down exclamation point. We still think she's pretty cute, though.)

the landinghams said...

Love the idea of baby baseball cards with measurements. It sure would cut down on all the people annoying the heck out of us to get baby stats. Win must take after Jeff with his big ole noggin. I love the pictures lately. He is getting so animated.

bug said...

MOM!! You totally have to say 25 1/4 inches LONG. He ain't walkin yet! Or is he???

Joy said...

Chloe the Wonder Dog and Win-win totally need to have a confab on the immunization front, as she had some immunizations last week as well. Unfortunately, Chloe doesn't meet any high percentiles and is not a chubby, growing baby with an angel belly of love. !!!