The smiling, cooing, and talking are not reserved for just his parents; Win spends a good deal of time spreading the love to his babies on his mobile:
He has also started squealing a little, like invisible fingers are pinching him. It kind of freaks me out a little, but he seems to enjoy it.
He has also grown considerably since his one-month birthday. Not only does he weigh around 16 pounds (we'll get the official weight/height tomorrow at our doctor's appointment), but he wears 3-6 month onesies and 6-9 month t-shirts. He's also graduated to size 3 diapers (y'all, he's big). Here is the big boy wearing his big boy overalls; we were on the way to the library to take care of a little business and he needed to look extra adorable in order to meet my coworkers:
Holy crap, size 3 diapers??? He sure is a cute little man. Love the overalls.
Lordy, has it been 2 months already?
The good news is that they stay in the size 3 diapers for what feels like forever, and they're in the size 4's even longer. (Seriously, Cate's been in them for at least 6 months and she's not anywhere near outgrowing them.)
Love the overalls, and the first picture of him gazing happily at his mobile. Were your coworkers sufficiently bowled over by his adorableness?
My coworkers are weird, but even they recognize cute when it is paraded before them.
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